> 文章列表 > 小学介绍春节对话





甲:何为春节? 乙:春节是阴历一年的结束,新的一年的开始。春节同时在立春附近,所以谓之春节。刚经历的一年过去了,无论悲伤还是快乐,也要与时俱进,迎接新...



A:What do you think of the Chinese New Year? B:It\'s very interesting.This is the year of the dog?...

A: What are your thoughts on the Chinese New Year? B: Personally, I find it incredibly fascinating. By the way, do you know that the upcoming year is the Year of the Dog? It\'s quite intriguing how each year is represented by one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.


you:hey (your friend\'s name),tomorrow\'s new year\'s eve,what are you going to do?frien...

You: Hey (your friend\'s name), do you have any plans for tomorrow\'s New Year\'s Eve? Friend: Well, traditionally we gather with family and have a big reunion dinner. We\'ll also set off fireworks and exchange red envelopes filled with money for good luck. How about you?


春节是中国最重要的节日,是吗? 是的。 春节的假期有多长呢? 这不一定。但是一般说大约是15天左右。 人们在春节吃些什么呢,和平时不一样吗? 不一样。饺子是一...

A: 春节是中国最重要的节日,对吧?B: 是的,春节在中国拥有深厚的文化底蕴,举国上下都会庆祝。A: 那春节的假期一般有多长呢?B: 春节的假期长度不一定,但通常休假时间大约在15天左右。A: 在春节期间,人们吃什么特别呢?B: 在春节,我们会吃一些传统的食物,如饺子、年糕和汤圆。这些食物在春节期间非常受欢迎,与平时有所不同。


两人英语口语对话讨论中国的传统节日――春节 登录注册? 题目 两人英语口语对话讨论中国的传统节日――春节作业帮用户英语2017-09-22文字搜索太麻烦,试试下载A...

A: Have you ever heard of the Chinese traditional festival called Spring Festival?B: Yes, I have. It\'s also known as the Chinese New Year, right?A: That\'s correct! It\'s a time when families come together to celebrate and it\'s filled with many customs and traditions.B: I find it fascinating how it\'s based on the lunar calendar and each year is represented by an animal in the Chinese zodiac.A: Absolutely! It\'s a rich and vibrant festival with lots of cultural significance.


The spring festival is the most important holiday in China. It falls on the first day of the lunar c...

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most significant holiday in China. It begins on the first day of the lunar calendar and lasts for fifteen days. During this time, families come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy festive meals. The festival is marked by vibrant decorations, lion dances, and the lighting of fireworks. It\'s a time of joy, celebration, and new beginnings.


LiMing:I\'m so happy that the Spring Festival is around the corner! John:I\'m interested in this Festi...

LiMing: I\'m really excited that the Spring Festival is just around the corner!John: Oh, yeah? What makes it so special?LiMing: Well, the Spring Festival is a time when families come together to celebrate and wish each other good fortune for the upcoming year. We also have lots of delicious food, like dumplings and rice cakes.John: That sounds amazing! I\'d love to experience it one day.


Chinese New Year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known a...

A: I heard Chinese New Year is a big celebration in China. Could you tell me more about it?B: Sure! It\'s a time when people visit their family, relatives, and friends. We exchange gifts and red envelopes, which contain money for good luck. There are also dragon and lion dances in the streets, accompanied by traditional music and fireworks.A: Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun!B: It definitely is! It\'s a time of joy, reunion, and the start of a new year according to the lunar calendar.


A: Hi, guys, it\'s the Spring Festival next week. How will you spend it? B: Eh...time flies so fast. I\'m going back to my hometown to celebrate with my family.C: That sounds great! I\'m visiting some of my relatives during the holidays.D: I\'m going to join a local temple fair with my friends. They have lots of fun activities there.A: For me, I\'ll be staying in the city and enjoying the festive atmosphere with my friends. We\'re planning to have a traditional Chinese feast.B: That\'s awesome! I wish you all a happy and prosperous Spring Festival!


LiMing:I\'m so happy that the Spring Festival is around the corner!John:I\'m interested in this Festiv...

LiMing: I\'m so thrilled that the Spring Festival is just around the corner!John: Oh, really? What\'s so special about it?LiMing: Well, during the Spring Festival, we have family gatherings, festive meals, and lots of fireworks. We also exchange red envelopes for good luck and prosperity.John: That sounds like a lot of fun! I\'d love to experience it someday.